In 2020, we achieved our first ISO 9001 accreditation. Now we have passed our third annual ISO certification, giving us accredited quality of our in-house procedures, and quality management for another year.

Why do we go to the trouble of securing ISO certification? Admittedly, it is an onerous process but, at the end of the day, it signifies in no uncertain terms that our quality procedures are first-class. And are accredited as such. That’s important for our clients. As part of our investigations, we gather and analyse exceptionally sensitive personal and commercial data, day in and day out. As a client, you’d want to be certain that we are able to take care of that data, wouldn’t you?

A clue to the importance of such accreditation is clear from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) description, which says:

ISO 9001:2015 specifies requirements for a quality management system when an organisation needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.”

For us here at DLB Investigations, those last two words are critical: regulatory requirements. This is the space in which we are exceptionally experienced and where we work for our clients. Regulatory compliance is imperative if our investigations and reports are to be deployed to best effect in litigation.

Of course, you could always take our word for it and trust our inherent quality and our Quality Management Systems anyway, as that’s partly how we ‘Investigate a Different Way’. But now we have the third year of certification under our belt to prove it.

Get in touch if you want us to deploy our certified quality to investigate a different way for you or your business.