Last week, we ran a webinar on our new PinPoint service, which was attended by insurance companies, claims handling specialists and several other industry professionals. The participants loved the idea and were enthusiastic about the value PinPoint is already delivering to those customers who have already instructed us.

The presentation was very detailed. We covered every aspect of PinPoint and its special place in rapidly helping to determine the circumstances surrounding an event that results in a claim. Things like where, how far and how fast the vehicle was travelling, along with details of driving technique, cornering speeds and braking forces as well as ‘crash’ events.

PinPoint is aimed at data from any telematics device, including factory fitted and aftermarket ‘black box’ technology installed in vehicles, Plug & Drive and OBD solutions and mobile apps. The level of data available, if retrieved, analysed and interrogated correctly, essentially puts you in the driver’s seat. What better way to know exactly what went on?

We will run our webinar again on Wednesday 15th September at 11.00am.

Get in touch if you want the sign-in details to join us.